Wednesday of week 23 in Ordinary Time, 1

Worldly or Godly?

Luke 6:20-26

How do we determine what is worldly and what is Godly?  Eventually, who are we really serving, God or this world?

The material world is created by God for humankind, but if we opt to covet these world's goods for ourselves, it is not coming from God.  Opt for poverty and be detached from material possessions.

We are given authority to take care of creation, but if we use naked power for power's sake, everything that we do would be corrupted.  Be equipped with humility and be true stewards God wants us to be.

And if opt to receive accolades for fame, we are feeding ourselves. Prefer to suffer humiliation all for the sake of Christ.

Now we know that ways of evil and the ways of God.


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