Friday of the 2nd week of Eastertide

Multiplication of good works
John 6:1-15 

The multiplication of the loaves is a sign of the fruitfulness not only of Jesus, but of his disciples who do God's will.

Let's make an honest evaluation of the fruitlessness of things, and why we keep on saying, we have no money or time or talent when in fact we have them on this earth.

Second, let's learn how Jesus multiplied the loaves through:

1. through offering - the process cannot start if there are no gifts offered.
2. gifts have to be offered to God, not kept to self.
3. gifts have to be broken and be ready for distribution.;
4. gifts have to be given to others to complete their purpose.

These could also apply to our fruitfulness in this world if we know how to offer ourselve to God, sanctify all our work and being, break ourselves to serve God, and give ourselves to others so they may also be offerings to others.


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