St. Jesus, a model of fatherhood

St. Joseph is prefigured in the Old Testament as the descendant of David who through his lineage would come the Son of God ("I will be a father to him, and he, a son to me.").

In the gospel, St. Joseph, after dreaming, makes an unwavering decision to do God's will and take Mary as his wife.

In another gospel he became a good father to Jesus "who lived under his authority."

How do we emulate St. Joseph, graced by God to be the foster father of Jesus and from his lineage would come God's only begotten Son?

First, fatherhood is a divine gift only God the father can supply and delegate.

Second, fathers need to be discerning of God's will on what is best for the family and their children.

Finally, fathers produce sons and daughters in the likeness of Jesus who was reared under his authority.

May we live out the fatherhood in us, mirroring God's fatherhood, discerning of God's presence in the world, and deciding to produce the next generation of sons and daughters who are "alter Christus".


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