Friday of the 1st week of Lent

On loving others

Matthew 5:20-26

Jesus deepened the knowledge of the disciples by going deeply not only through the external observance of the law, but to its spirit.

To those who are angry and they belittle others, they are liable to judgment.

If one is offering and remembers something against another, leave the gift behind and be reconciled with the other.  The law covers both our obligation to God and fellow human beings.

As a Christian, let us be committed to love one another as Christ love us.  Let us struggle to see the face of God in the other before we can lead them to sin or to grace.

Reflecting on the ten commandments, the reason for honoring one's parents is not in simply respecting them because of their age but it is precisely through the parents that we get to know about God.  Thus, we should honor them.

"Thou shall not steal."  It is not simply in respecting other's property that is the issue here; but rather, God has given us enough for us to take care of.

"Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor" implies the triumph of lies as a way of life if we succumb to it.  But God is not a God of lies but of truth. By loving others, we get to love God as well.


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