Tuesday of week 3 in Ordinary Time, I

Do God's will

Mark 3:31-35

The scriptures never emphasized it enough "Do God's will."

Do God's will instead of focusing on offerings or holocausts.  "Do God's will" for us to be rightfully be called the mother, brothers, and sisters of Jesus.  What does it mean exactly to do God's will?

Only one point - when we prioritize above all God's will and not our own.  The late Fr. Tom explained it with a parable.  Imagine a situation where the birthday celebrant was asked by a greeter, "Tell me what you want for your birthday and I will give it to you.  Do you want a land? Vacation? New car? Tell me."

The celebrant says, "I want blue cheese."

"But no one wants blue cheese for his birthday."

"But that is what I want," is the response.

Which one should we do? Work for God or doing God's work?  Grant that we may move away from ourselves so we can freely do God's work.


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