Feast of the Most Holy Rosary

Rosary and the Church

Lk. 1: 36 - 48

From the first reading alone, one can have a glimpse of the deeper meaning of the rosary, when mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles: "they devoted themselves to one accord to prayer, together with Mary and the women."

The seems to be a picture of a community of praying people bonded together by love.  This seems to be the image of the Church.  To reflect on the rosary is to reflect the living Church praying and bonded together by ties of God's pure love.

In the Gospel, we hear the story of the Annunciation.  But so is the Opening prayer when we hear the prayer of the Angelus, "... that we to whom the incarnation of Christ your Son was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross, be brought to the glory of the resurrection.."  The rosary orients us to the life of Christ.

Third, our being Catholics is a journey through life with an invitation to proclaim the Good News to everyone; the Good News being Jesus Himself and salvation that comes from Him.

Finally, the Holy Rosary reaches its fullest cycle in the Glorious mysteries.  Such is also our vocation - to reach heaven.  Till then, let us not lose sight of our life stories that should direct us to heaven.

The Rosary orients the Church to its own story, the story of salvation.  Thus, let us heed the call to pray the Rosary each day until we reach heaven!


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