Inspiring thought for Tuesday of week 5, 1

God's healing hands

Mark 7:1-13

The main point of Solomon's prayer to God in the blessing of the temple is being humble to admit that even the structure he built is not worthy to be the dwelling place of the Lord; nevertheless, he asks humbly that the Lord hears the prayers of the people and forgive.

Humility, mercy, and forgiveness are the keys to the very heart of God.  They are also the key to healing.  Humility is for us to accept that we have sinned before the Lord and tried to act as gods.

To plea for God's mercy is to allow him to work in us because of deep compassion.

To forgive is finally to heal us.

In this feast of the Our Lady of Fatima, we commend all who are sick for healing.  Grant that we may have deep compassion and cause their healing also, only through the mercy of God.


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