Friday of the 2nd week of Advent

Choose God!

Matthew 11:16-19 

The second week of Advent really compels us to choose God as the center point of our lives.  Christmas is not simply about joyous celebrations.  It actually opens us to the world where God rules and we follow him.

Jesus warns us against dancing a different tune other than the one offered by Father.  “We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn't dance ... Yet wisdom has been proved right by her actions."

Choosing to play Jesus' music entails giving in to what he desires;  it means knowing the advantages and disadvantages of following or not following him.  It is always advantageous to follow him.  A personal conversion will yield a communal conversion.  As people's hearts will change, so too will the entire human race.

Pray to know, love, and serve Jesus this Christmas and for the rest of our lives.



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