Tuesday of the 29th year II


What is Comunio?  Comunio or Koinonia means "fellowship, sharing in common, communion". 

Such is God's will to save us and enable us to be His adopted sons and daughters in Jesus Christ.  he wants us to be in communion with Him. 

What are the qualities of Comunio?

Comunio destroyed alienation and makes us friends.  Comunio made us citizens with the rights of children.  Comunio made us part of the building of Christ's body.

We need to destroy any vestige of sin that alienates us from one another.  We need to destroy the structures of sin that separates us from one another.  We need to create a world where we become the living body of Christ, contributing every time, talent, and treasure to serve God and others.  Grant that as Catholics, we may participate actively in building Christ's body by becoming instruments of communion to others and most of all, to God whom we offer our very lives.


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