14th Fridary in ordinary time, year II

To let God's love flow

So far, we've been following the book of Hosea, the prophet.  Yesterday, his theme was the love of God in structure through the Christian community.

It is a call to coversion because of the powerful and life-changing love of God vs. the hardheadedness of the people whom he loves.

This flows in the very heart of Jesus who instructed his apostles while sending them on a mission to preach the Good News.  They shall not be exempt from the trials of this world.  Rather, they shall even be subjected to their violence.  But Lord reminds them, "By the time it happens, the Good News shall be preached through out the world."

Clarify whether we are the apostles or the hardheaded people; the meek and humble victim  who loves or the persecutor. 

Time will come when in our actions we shall know whether we have caused the Good News to run freely or hindered its growth.  Let God's flowing love be our guide in this world.


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