Tuesday of the 7th week of Easter

"To glorify the Father"

St. Paul delivered a farewell speech that moved the whole Christian community at Ephesus - he was to be delivered to Jerusalem to be persecuted and tried.

This is reminiscent of Jesus who readied himself and the apostles to what awaited him in Jerusalem - crucifixion - all because of love.

As we are readied by the Church to live life in the Spirit, the Word exhorts us to be faithful to Jesus who was glorified by the Father as he glorifies Him.  This is the true mark of the Holy Spirit - none of my life and glory belong to me; everything belongs to the Father.  Every act, gesture, and intention glorifies Jesus and the Father.

To glorify Jesus and the Father also means fulfilling the mission entrusted to us the moment we were born.  Whatever that mission is, it will end up fulfilling what God wants for all of us here on earth - life.

Thus, let us live lives in the Spirit.  As Jesus says, we are in the world but not of this world.  For we know our true place - in God.


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