Monday of the 3rd week of Easter

Jesus is Himself the gift 

Our Easter observance takes us now to Stephen, the first martyr. He was a deacon. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he gave witness to Jesus' resurrection even he hadn't seen him. Two signs that he was living out Jesus - his vision of the heavens opening and seeing the angels, and asking for forgiveness for those who were persecuting him. Stephen is a living sign of the resurrection of Jesus.

In the gospel, Jesus invites us to purify our intention for serving Him. It is not because of the many gifts that we receive from him; rather, he himself is the gift. And through the Holy Sacrifice of the mass, he freely gives himself to us. Jesus, his very person, is the gift. On our pilgrim way to heaven, may we opt to be like Jesus day by day, believing totally in His care and love, and slowly be transformed according to His image and likeness.


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