As Christmas fast approaches

As we approach Christmas, everything is in place … heaven is gearing up for its ultimate preparation before the definitive coming of Jesus Christ.  Have we also prepared enough?

In Isaiah, people who following God are greater in number and force, as in the barren as compared to the wedded.  Widowhood and barrenness are no more.  The Lord God comes in His glory.  His love never ends.

In the gospel according to Luke, he invites us to take a closer look at the manifestations of Christ in the world today.  Where is the messiah except in the least of all which is the greatest in the kingdom of God?  Jesus allows himself to be the "least" in the kingdom to show us that even the greatest in this world has to power over him.

It is time to break the world we have created for ourselves.  It is time to let Christ in and to let His work be ours and His cause, our cause.  It is time to start with the smallest and the weakest and come up teeming with life in the end.  Christmas prepares us for our real life with God in Jesus.


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