What is due to God

Friday of the 33rd week, year 1

Have you noticed what the people thought is due to God in the readings?

All the rites and rituals are geared toward that utmost reverence to the Almighty God, the Lord of Heaven and earth.

Even in the smallest liturgy, one could feel the presence of the Divine, sanctifying the human world and filling it up with His living Spirit.  The world is animated; it becomes the incarnation of the Divine Lord and His love for us.

Have we given to God what is due to Him?  Do our lives reflect the Divine Presence?  Is our involvement in the liturgy and the Church a manifestation of the presence of God? 

Finally, may it be a challenge for us to reflect the presence of God in the work we are in "In Opus Ministerii"  which means, in the work of the Ministry: the ministry to love, to serve, and to adore God.


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