Are you sure you are saved?

This is a question posed by non-Catholic Christians to those who do not belong to their group.

However threatening this question may seem to be, this also bears the Good news: with Christ all of us are saved!  He sacrificed his life so as to win reconciliation through faith.  God justified everyone who believes in Jesus" (Romans 3:21-30)

This statement marks the universality of faith: God is a God of all and Jesus died for all.  Secondly, it stresses who we are: we are children united under one Lord.  We don't have to go on our own.  We need to insure that all others are receiving the very life we are receiving from God.

So, instead of being anxious whether we would be saved or not, let us utilize all time, talent, and treasure gaining others for Christ until everyone experiences the gift of redemption!


salvation is a God's gift. it's obtained not by what we do and what we do not... it is God's grace given to the world through Jesus who died in the cross... Amen.

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