Serve life, not kill it!

God created woman, the complementary of man to be his "helpmate".

What is a helpmate? In Tagalog, it means "katulong, katuwang, kasama."

In English, a helpmate is a helpful partner, a companion, who is a spouse, a compliment to one's existence.  We are never complete by ourselves, but are made so by the presence of another who is also a part of us.

Jesus tried to isolate the Jews from the others but learned deeply from the Syrophoenician woman to asked to cure her daughter.  We are all connected, "Ang sakit ng kalingkingan ay sakit ng buong katawan."  Learn from the words of Scripture: "As long as you did it to these least ones, you did it to me."

Treat everyone who is a child of God a "helpmate" or a "companion"; a partner in the work of bringing all things under God's rule.  Open our eyes to see that we are never alone; there are people alongside with us, living, thinking out the same things, and deserving the blessings of life.  Give permission for everyone to live.  Assist in giving life; do not accord death.  Funny, but these words apply also to the child in the womb of a mother, whether planned or not.  For everyone deserves to live and it is our task to assist in the development of life by offering our time, talents, and treasure to serve it.


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