Searching for the real happiness

I believe that far beyond any good work, moral living, or any accomplishment that is worthy in the sight of men are the words from the book of Hebrews 7:25-8:6: "Jesus is living for ever to intercede for all who come to God through him."

Have we realized the implications of this sentence?  It is Jesus, only Jesus throughout our lives.  Jesus who is the cause of all life; Jesus who is living forever to intercede for all who come to God through him.  It is only through Jesus that we can come to the Father.  It is only through Jesus that life can be possible.  It is only through Jesus.

In today's world where people are dreaming of a better life, of wanting to earn more, to be more, to have more,  it is only through Jesus that all these can be possible and much more besides.  Because if we possess the very heart of Christ, none of these would be as important that what is to come - the gift of Jesus himself and his everlasting love.

If we still yearn for anything apart from Jesus himself, something is still very wrong and most often we see ourselves discouraged, disappointed with what resulted with life and what happened why all our dreams are wasted away.

On the other hand, those who attained their dream of having more will continue to feel that yearning and thus become addicted to still wanting more and more endlessly till they come to realize that the real source of happiness can only come from him who loves us, and thus, we are called to live the fullness of life in him.  Only in possessing his heart can we attain what we are really looking for - the happiness and the life that will last forever.


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