The Rosary connects

As the beads of the rosary are connected to one unbreakable bond, there are three things that connect me with the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

1. The Rosary connects our family together - it has kept us together all these years and throughout eternity.  How true is the saying, "The Family that prays together stays together."  Whether living here or abroad, or with each respective families, I deeply feel that we are as united as when were staying under one roof.  Even now when our mother has gone up to heaven, the more that union is real; all because of the Most Holy Rosary

2. It connects us with Christ – the mysteries of the rosary are profound, it helps us attune ourselves with Jesus 24 hours a day.  Through the Rosary, we also become like the Beloved.

3. It connect us with the Church – We understand our role in the Church to realize the mystery of salvation; our lives become the story of salvation itself.

Mama mary, lead us to your son, Jesus.


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