Nanay, we love you forever!

This is a short eulogy delivered last June 10, 2007 on the occasion of the interment of my mother, Gilda, at the mass at the our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish, Project 4. We fondly call her “Nanay”, a colloquial for “mother”.
It is not a coincidence that the burial and mass of Nanay was held on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Body and blood of Christ. It was her greatest wish to attend mass at the Church and receive the body of our Lord. And now she has attained her dream to be “home”.
We recall seeing her at the back part of the church, quietly hearing mass. When the time came that her body was showing its weakness because of old age, she had to have a companion to take her to the church. Otherwise, we would see both her and Tatay going to church.
We recall also the dreadful effects of scoliosis and how it is affecting her posture. But that posture only enhanced the state of her soul – it revealed a posture of bowing down before the Lord and asking for His mercy.
The effect also of the cancer was slowly but constantly weakening her state; she was losing her strength to stand and walk, all muscles slowly wasting away, until one day, she just told her companion Nida, “I couldn’t make it anymore.”
I started saying mass inside her room. I couldn’t bear to see her not receive the Eucharist. Every Sunday she would hear TV mass and I would bring the Eucharist to her. Till one day when I left, she was taken to the hospital.
But even in the hospital I would be celebrating the liturgy of the word. Even though she felt like sleeping I would bring the good news to her. I would say, “Nanay, everything is Jesus, Jesus is strength, Jesus in your body, Jesus in your suffering. Do not lose sight of Jesus; he is with you. Everything is Jesus; embrace Jesus.” And she would contemplate all the more on the presence of Jesus in her.
The Eucharist showed its graces on her throughout her lifetime. Nanay lived a life a pure poverty, simplicity, humility, service, prayer, love, and total obedience to God.
Nanay lived a life of pure poverty. Her only cherished possession was her bag filled with prayer books. And when came a time she had difficulty even reading because of the cataracts in her eyes, she even had to give them away to Terry, my sister.
Nanay lived a life of pure simplicity. She decided simply, owned simply, smiled simply, talked simply. She never talked about great dreams. She lived daily committing to do the daily task of motherhood and being a devout Christian. Her friends are the simple people – the Sampaguita flower vendors and the poor outside the Church begging for daily relief.
Nanay lived a life of humility. All throughout her life she asked for pardon from the Lord, she has never embraced vanity. Even in sickness, she blamed herself because she wasn’t able to go to mass; she asked for God’s pardon.
Nanay lived a life of pure service. She didn’t aspire for any position – just to serve the children as a nurse in nearby public schools. She didn’t talk much, but she served the greatest. It’s just that her body got worn out. But given the opportunity she would continue devoting her life to humble service – to the poor, to the children, and to the sick.
She lived a life of total obedience to God. She could have asked to let go from all the burdens of hospital care. But during the times of greatest weakness, she would faithfully my sister Eva who is a doctor, “Nanay, breathe deeply”. In prayer we would whisper to her, “Nanay, please respond to the prayer.” I would see her moving her lips in prayer.
She lived a life of love; everything stated above and much more, are manifestations of her total love for the family and dedication to God.
She was a faithful daughter of the Blessed mother. She committed herself to Mary when she was single as she first wore the uniform of Our Lady of Lourdes. She hadn’t fail ever since. Her dedication to Our Lady manifested in how she was a good mother, a wife, a nurse, a neighbor, a friend. Even in her hospital bed, she would lift her arms to kiss the image of the Blessed Virgin regularly.
I believe that Mary protected her throughout her lifetime and even in her death. I believe she protected her with her blue mantle and led her to her final destination in heaven to be with her Son forever. Mama Mary protects her children, especially those devoted to her.
If there were procedures for sainthood, I would proudly nominate my mother. In her lowliness and simplicity, she has shown much to the family and most of all to me. She might have talked so little, but her life has shown much love that I am compelled to write them. We in the family shall truly miss her.
“Nanay, we love you forever!”