The End

Thursday of week 34 in Ordinary Time Luke 21:20-28 We are interested in endings. What makes a meaningful story? The ending Mankind's history may may have started with creation, it may have been tainted with sin and destruction, and we may be suffering due to the effects of sin. But notice the ending: Jesus will come. In the first reading, Daniel was spared from the attacks of the lions while his enemies were eaten. Good will triumph over evil, and God will emerge triumphant. In the Creed, we believe in the end of life which is life everlasting. What does this mean? First, we believe in the Beatific vision: we shall see God face-to-face for all eternity. Second, we will receive the crown of everlasting life. That everlasting life may be eternity in heaven or hell. We rely totally on God for our salvation. Third, we will have a new heaven and a new earth; and death will have no power over us for all eternity. It is Go...