Tuesday of week 4 in Ordinary Time
Faces of faith Mark 5:21-43 Jesus not only performed miracles of healing and raising the dead; he manifested his mercy. Mercy would be manifested to whom? As the readings today emphasize: "Never lose sight of Jesus;" "Don't be afraid; only have faith." He brought Peter, James and John. Other than these, what we have are crowds, unruly, ridiculing, unmerciful. How is faith related to mercy? First, if faith is enveloped with humility, the Lord's mercy would be manifest; "If I could just touch event he tassel of his cloak, I would get well." It is never bossy or imposing. It relies totally on the mercy and generosity of God. Second, faith should never flaunt: "Don't tell it to anyone." Rather, it rejoices in a quiet but sure communion with God, savoring each moment that Jesus manifests his love. Third, faith converts into mercy itself: "Give her something to eat." It should be concerned at how others live a...