
Showing posts from September, 2015

Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

Be angelic Catholics John 1:47-51 As we celebrate the Feast of the Guardian angels, we notice that the focus of the readings is not on the angels, but on the Son of Man and what appears to be the Son of Man descending from the heavens. "On him was conferred sovereignty, glory and kingship, and men of all peoples, nations and languages became his servants." (Daniel 7:9-10,13-14) Here is the Son of Man, descending from the heavens and ascending from earth.  Heaven and earth unite for the Son of Man and the angels assisting him. We know that heaven is our final abode, but our stay here on earth is a challenge to make it heaven only through the power of Jesus and the example of his servants, including the angels. From the Greek word "angelos", which means "messenger", let us also make it our life's vision to be the Lord's messengers on earth.  Three things worth remembering about the angels, we can internalize: 1.  Their total unity wi...

Thursday of week 25 in Ordinary Time, 1

Follow God's will Luke 9:7-9 The Lord was displeased with the plans to build the temple.  The Jews are not sacrificing enough; they want to be served rather than serve.  Get the wood and build the temple, says the Lord. Herod was anxious about Jesus.  But he didn't quite come close to knowing who Jesus was except that he only felt attracted to his words. There are two types of persons: those who follow their own wills and those who follow God's will. In as much as people are inclined to be attracted to Jesus' words, they don't come close to actually doing His will. Herod did not even come close to knowing about Jesus because he was filled with his own lies. May we be humble enough to admit not following his will.  Then we can try harder to listen to and follow him.

Wednesday of week 23 in Ordinary Time, 1

Worldly or Godly? Luke 6:20-26 How do we determine what is worldly and what is Godly?  Eventually, who are we really serving, God or this world? The material world is created by God for humankind, but if we opt to covet these world's goods for ourselves, it is not coming from God.  Opt for poverty and be detached from material possessions. We are given authority to take care of creation, but if we use naked power for power's sake, everything that we do would be corrupted.  Be equipped with humility and be true stewards God wants us to be. And if opt to receive accolades for fame, we are feeding ourselves. Prefer to suffer humiliation all for the sake of Christ. Now we know that ways of evil and the ways of God.

Friday of week 22 in Ordinary Time, 1

Be renewed! Luke 5:33-39 Renewal of faith is an urgent necessity for every Christian vs. the tendency to be stagnant in faith. Let's start with regular confession and communion.  Let us receive the sacrament of the Eucharist worthily. Let's also strive to know more about the faith, the Church and its teachings. But let us strive with all our might to be conformed to Jesus and be with him till we reach heaven. We know already who is conformed and not conformed.  We immediately see their priorities in life.  It is all others except Jesus.  But he who stays with Jesus till the end becomes fruitful in this life till everlasting life.

Thursday of week 22 in Ordinary Time, 1

Grow in knowledge Luke 5:1-11 It is still possible for mankind to be saved, to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and holiness, and be counted among the saints in heaven. All it takes is docility.  It means the willingness to be taught or directed.  Those not willing to be taught are not only proud; like the dead, they've stopped living and learning. Knowledge begins with humility.  We need to admit that despite the things we know, we still don't know anything.  We need humility to open our world to knowledge. Second, according to Proverbs 9, 10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."  We need to totally submit ourselves to the Lord who is beginning and end. Third, the fruits of the Holy Spirit are born from genuine knowledge: charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity It is to be able to receive the gift of life: God's presence in us.