Easter thoughts
More Easter thoughts Gospel: Luke 24:1-12 Following all the readings for the Easter Vigil till the Gospel for this evening, I would like to reflect on the following words that relate with our Easter experience: The first is the word "creation". What this world has destroyed, God has created it back. What was old has turned new. There is always renewal in God. The second word is "faithfulness". Just as Abraham was unquestionably faithful to God, our faith definitely brings alive the light of Easter in our hearts that links us directly with God. The third is the word "victory". God will always be victorious over any kind of slavery, whether political, moral, social, or economic. As Jesus' passing over death is a living testimony of this victory, so too will goodness prevail in our lives. All these are found in the one with a direct experience with the Divine Master. Their hearts are being created again, this time, renewed in God....