
Showing posts from March, 2012

Friday of the 5th week of Lent

Decide once and for all After yesterday's event that Jesus is calling us to a relationship that is deeper each day, he wishes us to rekindle the new covenant by which we know that God now calls us in the most intimate way possible through the calling of our names. In today's reading, Jeremiah is subjected to the most violent rejection possible that only God remains his stronghold. Jesus too in John's gospel is faced with the most terrible rejection of all - the rejection of being God's Son. In this gospel, there are no more grey areas.  Man on one side has lost all his sensibilities to God's presence by wanting to kill the Son of God.  Jesus on the other hand has been constantly pleading for man to open his eyes, mind, and heart to recognize him even in the least of what he does. Where are we in this battlefield?  We cannot stay forever in the middle.  Even for the lukewarm, God has this message:  "I will spit you out of my mouth!" Either we ar...

What's in a name?

Thursday, 5th week of Lent Perhaps, Abraham's story may be our own faith story of our journey to Jesus. In our own journey, there is a time we have been called, when we have been saved, forgiven, and given life.  Our lives have meaning only with, in, and through God who loves us eternally. There was a time when we were given a name.  Name is a mark of intimacy and familiarity.  Only people who are familiar with other peoples names know them through and through. A name is a visible sign of a covenant.  God loves us as to give us a name.  Our names are manifestations that God values us. God also has a name, "I am who am."  Through this He is inviting people of all generations to be familiar to Him and really know Him." Jesus said, "Before Abraham, I am."  Jesus establishes his link with the Father; He too is God-with-us. For us to truly live eternally, let us rekindle our covenant with God in Jesus Christ.  This is the key to salvation...

19 years are simply miracles

On the occasion of the 19 years of priesthood As I celebrate the 19th anniversary of my priesthood, I have come to celebrate it in a most peaceful way.  For my only consolation is to be in communion with God. I have come to realize this during the times I was studying in Rome.  I didn't have any big celebrations such as this one.  But to wake up early in the morning and go to St. Peter's Basilica to celebrate mass with Fr. Greg Gaston is enough for me to feel deep consolation that God loves me and His love goes on forever.   Despite my sinfulness and unworthiness He sanctifies me and makes the priesthood fruitful. Here in the parish, my delight is to receive the sincere prayers of people filled with compassion.  For them I am truly grateful.  This also gives me the reason to go on and on until God recalls me from this life.  But know that I am eternally grateful.  The priesthood is Jesus; but the priesthood is composed of countless men a...
4th Thursday of Lent Isn't it remarkable that God allows people to be His mirrors?  In the first reading, Moses reflects God's concern for His people. In the gospel, Jesus mirrors His Father's love for all of us.  John reflects Jesus' love. This coming Holy Week, strive not just to ask for forgiveness.  Rather, aim more to reflect the love and action of Jesus.  Realize the meaning of Comunio when Jesus would suffer for our sake just to make us one with the Father.  We can already live this Comunio in this very world by being one with God and with one another, when all our actions would gear towards building that community of love and life.


The spirit of Lenten challenges us to reflect on the minute details of our lives whether they reflect the presence of God or not. God is particularly interested in one virtue - obedience.  The lack of it causes havoc to the entire human existence. Our lives should be spend knowing God's will that we are bound to obey.  There it is in this premise that we call him "Teacher."  Even teachers refer to God as the great teacher.  If we all follow his will, the entire universe might yet be saved.