Nanay, we love you forever!

This is a short eulogy delivered last June 10, 2007 on the occasion of the interment of my mother, Gilda, at the mass at the our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Parish, Project 4. We fondly call her “Nanay”, a colloquial for “mother”. It is not a coincidence that the burial and mass of Nanay was held on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Body and blood of Christ. It was her greatest wish to attend mass at the Church and receive the body of our Lord. And now she has attained her dream to be “home”. We recall seeing her at the back part of the church, quietly hearing mass. When the time came that her body was showing its weakness because of old age, she had to have a companion to take her to the church. Otherwise, we would see both her and Tatay going to church. We recall also the dreadful effects of scoliosis and how it is affecting her posture. But that posture only enhanced the state of her soul – it revealed a posture of bowing down before the Lord and asking for...