Everyone's a friend!

Friday of week 13 in Ordinary Time Matthew 9:9-13 There's a sense of exclusivity in the first reading. Abraham who sought for a wife for his son Isaac, explicitly told the servant not to get from Canaan, a foreign land, but from the family where he came from. But the Gospel teaches inclusivity. Matthew and the rest were accepted wholeheartedly by Jesus. Furthermore, he said, "What I want is mercy, not sacrifice. And indeed I did not come to call the virtuous, but sinners." We are fond of compartmentalizing people - rich and poor, haves and have nots, healthy and sick, successful and failures. But one thing is certain - in heaven there are no rich or poor, powerful and powerless. All of us become brothers and sisters of one Lord and Master. And he teaches us to love one another as he loves us. So, make a checklist of relationship with others: 1. Do I carry a bias for or against people or do I see the face of God in them? 2....