Our transfigurations after 25 years

This is the homily delivered on the occasion of the Thanksgiving mass of the Silver Jubilarians of UST Engineering, Batch 85 last February 27, 2010 at the UST Chapel.
Fr. Rolando dela Rosa, rector of UST, Fr. Franklin Beltran, regent of the UST Faculty of Engineering, the dean and professors of the UST faculty of Engineering, My batchmates, the Engineering Class of 1985, all alumni of UST Faculty of Engineering, dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Let me begin my sharing with the gospel for this Sunday of the 2nd week of Lent. Jesus was transfigured. As he prayed, the aspect of his face was changed and his clothing became brilliant as lightning. And a voice came from the cloud saying, ‘This is my Son, the Chosen One. Listen to him.’ From then on, the apostles knew that the man whom they were following was no ordinary man; rather, he was God’s only begotten son; the Messiah who would lead the people back to God. The message of the transfiguration is th...