
Showing posts from January, 2010

The fruitful life

What constitutes a fruitful life? Everyone wants a fruitful life. But what kind? In order to attain a fruitful life, one must be clear - what kind of fruitfulness do we want? How long will it last? Where will the fruitfulness go? Will it reach unto everlasting life? Will it reach out to a greater majority of people? Will it make us more human? The really fruitful life can only be found in God.

How to be "light" for others

Being "light" for others entails that we start reflecting Christ's light, no more, no less. It is only the light of Christ that brings brightness and color to people's lives. But how much of Christ do we know? Is our knowledge of Him sufficient to bring the light to others? We need to spend a significant amount of time, talent, and treasure just to know him. We need to know his ways, his words and teachings. Then we need to inculcate them and value them in our hearts. Have we allotted enough time to get to know the teachings of the Lord? Do we live them out? Finally, we have to commit ourselves to be light to others. Through acts of love specially to the needy, Christ's actions become our own. May we immerse ourselves in the sea of this love.